Independence Day Breakfast Parfait

Prep Time

5 minutes

Prep Notes

This breakfast is festive, creative and delicious. Yogurt provides ample protein, chia seeds add fiber and plant-based fats, fresh fruit delivers vitamins, fiber and antioxidants and our very own Chia Leah Quinoa Sprinkle adds a satiating crunch plus a boost of all of the above health benefits, (protein, plant-based fats, fiber, antioxidants, WOW!). Feel free to make a larger version of this in a beautiful dish for the whole family to enjoy. 


1 serving


  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt (opt for plain and at least 2% for best taste and no added sugars)

  • 1 T chia seed

  • Sliced berries/cherries to make your flag 

  • 1/4 cup Sprinkle


  1. Mix yogurt and chia seed (I do this so the chia doesn't get stuck in my teeth!)

  2. Top with flag of berries and sprinkle

  3. ENJOY!

Chia Leah Products to Complete Your Recipe