“Accidental” Nooch Pancake

Prep Time

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: 5 minutes

Prep Notes

What happens when you have 1 egg in the house and want to bulk it up with more nutrition? Add nutritional yeast*, (aka “nooch”)! I sound really smart but really, I accidentally dumped in way too much “nooch” to my 1 egg. Without another option, I just added a little extra water and a dash of oil and poured it into the pan. It worked! Add chia seed for even more health benefits of fiber and antioxidants. It cooks just like a pancake and tastes delicious! 

Nutritional Yeast has long been used as a cheese substitute for vegans. It is deactivated yeast flakes, tastes cheesy, salty and nutty. Sounds weird but it is delicious! Just 1 Tablespoon boasts 3 grams of protein and 120% vit B.


1 serving


  • 1 egg

  • 1 T water

  • ½ tsp grapeseed, avocado or coconut oil (a high heat oil)

  • ¼ cup nutritional yeast aka “nooch”

  • 1T chia seed

  •  S&P

  • High heat oil spray

  • Optional:

    Herbs, spices


  1. Whisk ingredients together. 

  2. Heat a pan with oil on medium/high heat (either a spray to cover pan or ½ tsp)

  3. Pour batter into the pan. 

  4. When the batter bubbles, just like a pancake does, flip it.

  5. Cook for 30 more seconds. 

Notes:  Quadruple this recipe for 4 servings and remember you can make smaller pours for kids. These freeze great so get rid of your Eggo waffles and upgrade!


Chia Leah


Entrees, BreakfastLeah Bostrom