Spicy Nooch Popcorn

spicy nooch popcorn.JPG

Prep Time

5 minutes

Prep Notes

This vegan, gluten free, whole grain (high fiber) snack is a perfect one for a cuddly movie night on the couch, bagged for a long car trip or even an unexpected topper for soups and salads.  Don’t have “nooch?” Groceries carry nutritional yeast in the baking section and in the “natural foods” section. “Nooch” is the cool kids way of saying vegan cheese, plus it’s high in zinc for immunity, vitamin B for energy and offers protein!

Cooking Time

10 Minutes (including popping popcorn)


1 serving


  • 7 cups plain popcorn*

    2 T nutritional yeast “nooch”

    1 tsp ground paprika

    ½ tsp salt of choice

    1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (or a little more if you really love heat!)

    Oil Spray (such as avocado, coconut, grapeseed or olive oil)

    *1/4 cup popcorn kernels (opt for non-GMO) makes ~7 cups of popcorn. I use our stovetop Whirlypop popcorn popper. Heat on medium ¼ cup kernels, 1T coconut or grape seed oil. It is SUCH a great tool in the kitchen and fun. You can always cheat and use store bought plain popped popcorn or use your air popper or high quality plain microwave popcorn.


  • Lay popped popcorn on a parchment lined pan.

  • Mix nooch, spices and salt together in a bowl.

  • Spray popcorn evenly with oil, then pour over the spice mix.

  • Stir gently with a spatula to coat popcorn with spices.




Chia Leah

Chia Leah Products used in this Recipe